Lessons learnt from the Typhoon Haiyan to propose a better strategy to cope with infrequent catastrophic events
Publish Year: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 388
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 27 بهمن 1395
The Typhoon Haiyan caused a significant damage in the Philippines in 2013. A number of research missions were conducted by research communities, including Tohoku University, Tokyo Polytechnic University, etc. since December 2013. The range of research expanded to capture the perspectives of damages caused by storm surge and high wind, high social vulnerability in slum areas, humanitarian and recovery efforts, emergency medical situations and threats, international cooperation for disaster medicine, disaster related infectious disease, disaster psychiatry, response to early warning and behaviors of people. Key findings will be presented by those researchers who conducted filed surveys in Tacloban and other affected areas. Some of the risk factors contributing to the disasters are: 1) Significantly high waves more than 10 meters (up to 14 meter) were observed in Eastern Samar. Surge travelled far to the north in Samar-Layte Strait. Local flood inundation of rivers and landslides due to heavy rainfall was observed at some points around Palo city 2) Not aware of risk or term (it was noted that many people do not understand what a storm surge is. ) 3) Poverty (Young strong men had to stay in their homes in order to protect their properties from looting) 4) Many people already rebuilt houses in the highly damaged areas except for the no-build zone 5) Inefficient ineffective evacuation facilities: The hospital surveillance in the affected area revealed that 1) hospitals close to the coastline were damaged by storm surge and strong wind. Strong wind blew off the roof and broke the window resulting in the damage of vital facilities of the hospitals 2) one hospital had saved a CT scan that served the whole area afterward 3) all hospital had disaster manager and trained the faculties to act properly at Typhoon, but the hazard was beyond expectation 4) preparedness reduced the damage in some hospitals 5) very few actual in-patient losses and employees’ injury were observed 6) domestic and international medical aids came in and supported each hospital by coordination in the municipal office and DOH 7) loss of electricity, water and communication caused serious functional damage, but most of the hospitals continued to treat patients as much as possible. Some hospitals were taken over by Aid team, but planning to restart before the Aid team will fade out.
risk factors , inefficient ineffective evacuation facilities
Yuichi ONO
Assistant Director and Professor, International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS) , Tohoku University