Investigating the success of Knowledge Management: An empirical study of small and medium-sized enterprises

Publish Year: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 اردیبهشت 1396


This study aims to investigate the success of knowledge management. For this purpose, some study was conducted on literature and the conceptual model was obtained from Wang and Yang s (2016) survey. This model of knowledge management includes three factors of Quality Dimension (Include: System Quality, Knowledge Quality and service Quality), Use dimension (Include: KM Use and User Satisfaction) and Benefit Dimension (Net Benefit). We try to identify the impact of this three dimensions on net benefit. Data collection method was a questionnaire that was distributed among 82 managers which 70 acceptable Questionnaire was used for data analysis. Results were preliminary processing by software Spss 22. The final analysis was done by Smart PLS2 software. The impact of all three factors of quality dimension on user satisfaction and therefore on the net benefit rejected. And the impact of system quality (β= 0.108 and t Value= 4.982), knowledge quality (β= 0.427 and t Value=4.077), service quality (β= 0.438 and t Value=2.808) on KM use and KM use impact (β =0.605 and t Value =8.165) on net benefit confirmed. The impact of KM use on user satisfaction (β=0.108 and t Value= 2.527) confirmed too. According to the results, to be able to have an impact on the Net Benefit and actually provide benefits to organizations, it is necessary that organizations have more attention to aspects of Quality Dimension.


Seyyed Sajjad Mohtasham

M.A of Industrial Management, Production , Researcher & Lecturer in PNU,Guilan , Iran

Sedigheh Kobra Sarollahi

M.A of Executive Management, Strategic, Islamic Azad University, Rasht Branch , Rasht , Iran