An overview of soil improvement & stabilization methods
Publish Year: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 11 مرداد 1396
Ground improvement is the primary application of many geotechnical constructiontechniques, permitting construction on poor soils by changing their charactristics. In thispaper, the subject of soil improvement and general categories of ground improvementalong with descriptions of the main application techniques for each is introduce. Anoverview of the objectives of designing a soil improvement plan is provided with adescription of how soil improvement methods may be implemented into a project. Thegeneral categories and objectives of soil improvement techniques in each cases are alsodescribed. The results showed that soil improvement generally are carried out for twotypes of soil in-depth or level that for coarse-grained and fine-grained soil. on the surface,drilling-replacement method and surface density and in some cases pre-loading throughpre-compressing is recommended. For coarse-grained and fine-grained soil in depth,methods of mega density and buoyancy density in depth, blasting, injection or soilreinforcement are used.
Amin Farzan
Master student of civil engineering, Malayer University
Vahed Ghiasi
Civil engineer Department, Faculty of engineering, Malayer University
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