Entrepreneurial Competencies and the DecisionMaking of Small and Medium Industries of Province inIran

Publish Year: 1388
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 313

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 17 آبان 1396


The main of this study is that the ranking of entrepreneurial characteristics on small and medium industries (SMIs) With determine AHP. The designing of industry must involve selection of industries that have sufficient success potentials. SMIs could now offer highly valued expertise.goods and services whereas large firms were still forced to downsize due to stiff competition. Also, we employ MADM and AHP to final the success potential of each alternative as evaluated by the indexes.the empirical data are composed of the longitudinal survey are industries of Golestan province.Hence between several factors of success we have selected seven indexes accordance to experts.The study found that nine different industries have been presented which is selected to expect to support finance and increase theinvestment as well as improve the efficiency.


younos vakil alroaia

SemnanAzad Univ. Tech. Department of Manegment -

Maisam. Zanganeh

osemnan_AZad university

Elham Ashori

semnan_Azad university_ M.A- student