The measurement of droplet size distribution of water-oil emulsion through NMR method

Publish Year: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 26 فروردین 1397


The effects of water/oil volume ratio, type and concentration of demulsifier, water salinity and mixing speed on the average water droplets size in water-oil emulsion are evaluated at different times through NMR measurements. The type and concentration of demulsifier have the greatest effects on the average droplets size with 38% and 31.5%, respectively. The water/oil volume ratio, water salinity and mixing speed are significant factors with 13.1%, 7.5% and 5.71%, respectively. The commercial demulsifier Break 6754 has the greater influence on the average droplets size compared to the acrylic acid. The water droplets size increases upon increasing the concentration of demulsifier, the water volume ratio and the salinity of water and decreases upon increasing the mixing speed.


Arash Amani

Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

Ali Reza Solaimany Nazar

Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

Hasan Sabzyan

Department of Chemistry, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

Gholamhassan Azimi

Department of Chemistry, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran