Application Of Stereological Methods For Unbiased Estimation Of Sperm Morphology In The Mice Indused By Busulfan

Publish Year: 1397
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 498

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 16 تیر 1397


busulfan is an anticancer drug,which causes the apoptosis germ cells and azoospermia in humans and animals.abnormal morphology of spermatozoa related to the male infertility.the sperm morphology is evaluation if sperm size,shape and zppearance characteristics should be assessed by carefully observing a stained sperm sample under the microscope.evaluation of sperm morphology has been considered as one of the most important factors for a successful fertilization and determining sperm quality.themice were assigned to tow experimental groups: control and busulfan.each group included six mice hat were housed under standard conditions.the volume was estimated using the nucleator method.the sperm s flegellum and mid-piece length was estimated by counting the number of intersections between the tails and merz grid test line in an unbiased counting frame,superimposed on live images of sperms.our results demonstrsted a significant different in the volume and surface of the sperm s head and the length of the sperm s flagellum in the control and busulfan groups.busulfan can effect on the volume of the sperm s head and the length of the sperm s flagellum in rat.