A Review of the Effect of Clomiphene Citrate for Ovulation on Infertile Women

Publish Year: 1397
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 572

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 16 تیر 1397


Backgournd: Ovulation stimulation with Clomiphene Citrate is the most commonly used treatment in infertility.In about 25% to 35% of couples suffering from infertility there are some defects in ovulation, so ovulation stimulation is the most commonly used treatment for infertility.This review article is designed to evaluate the effect of Clomiphene Citrate on ovulation in infertile women. Methods: This review article has been conducted by searching through the following international databases: Magiran, Scopus, Science Direct, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Pubmmed, and SID, using the following key words: Clomiphene Citrate, Ovulation, and Infertile Women. Fromamong these vast databases 60 research articles were extracted, and after analyzing input and output criteria based on Prisma checklist, 15 research articles were eliminated and finally 45 research articles from 2000 to 2017 were listed and the data were extracted from them. Results: Considering the long half-life, the effects of peripheral anti-estrogen properties, numerous side effects such as vasomotor disorders, hot flashes, nausea, pelvic discomfort, breast pain and, most importantly, excessive ovarian excitability and side effects resulting from it, it seems that drugs with less complications and better therapeutic effects, such as Letrozole, can be given priority. Discussion and Conclusion: Today, letrozole can be used as an auxiliary or alternative to Clomiphene for stimulation of ovulation in infertile women due to its less unwanted side effects.


Samira Bahrami

Khorasgan branch

Samaneh Shariary

Khorasgan branch

Reyhane Goodarzi

Khorasgan branch

Fatemeh Sohran

Khorasgan branch