Publish Year: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 26 مرداد 1397


this study attempts to find the determinants ofstudcnts’ loyalty as customers of the prepaid mobile cellular service in Malaysia. Would the common variables acknowledged by the literature be the determinants for students’ loyalty‘ To answer the question, the study attempts to investigate whether service quality, perceived value, trust, and customer satisfaction would act as determinants for students’ loyalty for mobile services they use in Malaysia. A survey was conducted students who are prepaid mobile cellular services customers from various universities in Malaysia. From 261 data collected from participating students, analyses on the data revealed that only two variables, namely, trust and customer satisfaction were determinants of this scgmcnt’s loyalty. With students identified an important segment for prepaid cellular mobile services, the findings provide insights on the factors that affect loyalty of university students in Malaysia; that both trust and customer satisfaction should be emphasized as strategic marketing tools by mobile operators when addressing this customer segment in their future strategic plans.


mohd saiful riazal yusoff

Graduate School ofl۳usincss, Univcrsiti Sains Malaysia Penang, Malaysia

nabsiah abdul wahid

Graduate School of Business, Univcrsiti Sai۱۱s Malaysia Penang, Malaysia

Shairatulaqma Kamalul Arifiin

Graduate School of Business, U niversiti Sains Malaysia Pcnang, Malaysia