Study of the Importance and Application of Nano Catalysts in Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries

Publish Year: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 24 شهریور 1397


With the growth of industries, the use of more effective catalysts in chemical and environmental industries has become increasingly important in reducing environmental pollution and production costs. Nanocatalyticisation is a combination of two fields of catalytic growth and new nanotechnology. The catalysts were among the first applications of industrial nanotechnology. The use of fine particles in catalytic catalyticization reduces catalyst volume and allows optimal use of the active component. In recent years, nano prefix is common in catalytic studies. The term nanocatalytic is defined as a catalytic process involving metal nanoparticles of their clusters and oxides or other compounds that are initially incorporated into the reaction medium or formed in reaction or as a result of the products. Catalyst acts as an interconnect or bridge, which combines many areas of solid state physics, chemical-theoretical physics engineering, and chemistry. As a result, the main concept of catalyzing is related to the chemical composition of the surface and its control methods. The turning points in nanocatalysis are: a) Nanoparticle catalysts (Reformation catalysts): In the middle of the 20th century, platinum precious metals were used as a catalyst to increase the number of octane gas through the process called the platform in the refining industry. Since then, significant advances have been made in catalysts, such as the production of dual-catalytic catalysts to increase the efficiency and life of catalysts. One of the significant improvements in the efficiency and cost reduction of catalyst engineering is that the catalyst particles are very small and the dispersion of catalyst metals only results in desirable reactions.


Marziyeh Bidmal

BS in Electrical Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Dezful Branch

Mohammad Noormohammadi

BSc in Chemical Engineering of Petrochemical and Gas Refining Industries from Dezful Islamic Azad University

Mohammad Mehdi dastgahi

Member of faculty of electrical engineering, Dezful Islamic Azad University

Molood Barmela

Faculty member of Department of Chemical Engineering Dezful Islamic Azad University