Integrated Utilities as the Future Developmental Trend in Coastal Provinces of Iran

Publish Year: 1388
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 10 مهر 1388


The existence of shallow waters in southern coastal ridge and provinces of Iran, together with poor biological conditions of salty Persian Gulf seawater are forcing elements to construct large and costly water intakes in rather far distance offshore, as smaller water intakes and small desalination plants of 10,000-20,000 m3/day will no longer be economically feasible or justifiable.Furthermore, one third (ten million) of the forecasted thirty million in population growth within the next 15 years can be settled in these coastal provinces which have a higher potential for industrial development and job opportunities due to the existence of tremendous oil and gas resources in the region which form the basis for establishment of energy-intensive industries such as power generation, steel and cement factories, petrochemicals, oil, gas and down-stream industries. These industrial developments and resettlement of population in less populated coastal areas will result in extensive new water and power demand in the next 15 years.Integrated utilities, applying hybrid and cogeneration of water and power, will be the most appropriate direction instead of the existing individualized small to medium size of desalination plants in these growing areas.


Integrated Utility , Combined Heat and Power (CHP) , Water Desalination , Cogeneration


S Mohammad Bagher Kiaei

Member of the Board of Directors Rah Shahr International Group (Iran)