Effect of the magnetic field interacted with two Aspergillus species in degradation of some chemical pesticides

Publish Year: 1397
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 20 آبان 1397


The aim of this study was to investigate the degradation of chemical compounds of five pesticides (Bayfidan EC, Bulldock EC ,Oberon SC , Galaxy SL and Trayf EC) using the magnetic field interacted with two fungal species Aspergillus falavus and A. terres. Pesticides in the concentrated form were exposed to a magnetic field (0) for a period of 720 hours and were used based on the recommended dose in two different culture media (PDA and PDB) to test the biodegradation level by the two fungi. The insecticide Bulldock was more toxic after exposure to the magnetic field and resulted in more inhibition rate on A. flavus than non-magnetized.Exposure to magnetic field did not differ from non-exposure in terms of A. terres growth on both Bulldock and Oberon culture media. The biodegradation of Trayf was slightly affected by magnetic field exposure, while Galaxy was not affected. Bayfidan degradation was affected by the magnetic field. This magnetized fungicide was more toxic to A.terres, causing an inhibition rate of 54.33%. However, the fungal growth on the P.D.B respond differently when a pesticide differed. Magnetized Oberon used in PDB medium resulted in growth stimulation of both fungi, the biomass fresh weight was increased by 11.7 mg and 32.75 mg for A. flavus and A. terres, respectively. While biomass dry weight was increased 6.52 mg in case of A. flavus on the magnetized Oberon -P.D.B. medium.


Salwan Abd Alzahra Jabbar Allwbawi

Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture/University of Kufa – Iraq

Sabah Lateef Alwan

Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture/University of Kufa – Iraq

Nihad. H Mutlag

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science/University of Kufa – Iraq