Bilateral acute angle closure glaucoma in a healthy woman

Publish Year: 1397
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 608

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 1 دی 1397


Purpose: To report of acute angle closure glaucoma in two eyes of patient at the same time. Methods: A 58 years old woman was presented to our emergency ward, with bilateral ocular pain, headache and vomiting. She had not any history of diabet, hypertention, ocular surgery and special drug usage. Results: Ocular examination showed bilateral angle closure glaucoma, her visual acuity in right eye was CF 2m and in left one was CF 4m. The cornea of the both eyes had microcystic epithelial edema. Intraocular pressures (IOP) were 78 mmHg in both eyes. Ultrabiomicroscopy was normal and did not show any choroidal thickening or effusion. Antiglaucomatous treatment and bilateral Nd: YAG laser Iridotomy was done, IOP decreased to 40 mmHg. The patient underwent Iens extraction with phacoemulsification technique and the PAS was released byviscosynechiolysis. Eventually the IOP were decreased and her VA was improved and anterior chamber depth was normalized after cataract surgery. Conclusion: Acute angle closure glaucoma is commonly seen but the occurrence of this condition is very rare in two eyes at the same time.


Fariba Shaikhshoushtari

Emam Khomeini eye research center, Kermanshah University of medical science

Leila Rezaei

Emam Khomeini eye research center, Kermanshah University of medical science

Jalil Omidian

Emam Khomeini eye research center, Kermanshah University of medical science

Saba Jamshidbeigi

Emam Khomeini eye research center, Kermanshah University of medical science