Importance of water& wastewater reuse in different industries as an effective solution in dehydration crisis

Publish Year: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 403

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 21 بهمن 1397


Water savings can be achieved in different industries through a combination of changing behavior, modifying water saving equipment to reduce overall water consumption and increase internal reuse. Treating wastewater for reuse has become an accepted and reliable technical solution to save water. In fact, water recycling and waste water reuse have proven to be effective in creating reliable water supply. Attempts to waste water treatment such as urban, domestic, industrial and agricultural waste water have been reported by physical and chemical treatment process. Different physical steps such as settling basin, oil skimmer, clarifiers, self-cleaning filters, activated carbon filters, filter press, flocculators, thickeners and membrane technologies are suggested according to the quality of waste water. De-mulsifier, poly electrolytes and disinfections are the common chemical treatment. The objective of this paper is to present possibilities of waste water reuse and water usage reduction and consequences of this operation in steel companies. The waste water in steel companies could be treated, cooled and reused in industry. Higher treatment quality could increase the number of water cycle count and save water.


Abbas Mohseni


Sana Berijani