Lute Desert from the perspective of foreign explorer´s itineraries
Publish place: Ist International Conference on LUT DESERT TOURISM (local and International opportunities)
Publish Year: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 527
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 27 تیر 1398
Among all the studies about Lute Desert, foreign explorer´s itineraries have a great importance in different aspects. Diversity in the fields of studies by different explorers like: botanist, geologist, geographer, diplomat and militarist made a wide range of narrations about this desert. In this article, we used descriptive analytic approach to discuss the contents of these itineraries. The findings of this research suggest that the most of the explorers had political and military purposes to colonize the Lute Desert. In explorer´s reports different subjects were discussed for example: climatic conditions, communication roads, and mineral potentials, vegetation of the area, dangers, common beliefs and myths about this desert. This information can be beneficial for better knowing of Lute Desert and made exploitation of its potentials in economic and tourism fields easier
Zahra Alizadeh Birjandi
Master of History, Department of History, Birjand University
Somaie poorsoltani
Master of History, Department of History, Birjand University