Investigation of Geological Geocytes as Land Exposure Gravity in Lut Desert

Publish Year: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 410

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 27 تیر 1398


The Lut desert, as a surprising natural phenomenon, forms the southern part of the Lut structural block. The diversity of geological phenomena has made the Lut desert particularly important in terms of land-based tourism. Lut desert is limited by active and fundamental faults such as the fault in the east and the Naiband fault in the west. These faults are important in earthquake-specific earthquake-earthquake studies and contribute to geological hazards such as earthquakes. The dry and vegetative nature of the region makes it possible to access and reveal geological structures, including deformations associated with active faults. Lut volcanoes have also been active in Tertiary and Quaternary, which today have volcanic cones in the lute range. Also, in some cases, spa springs formed from the attractions of the Lut desert. Utilizing these sites as tourism geosites and preparing them for public visitors and new ideas for attracting tourists. Listing of geocytes and preparation of their databases at national and regional level should be carried out by academic centers and introduced in the form of holding domestic and international workshops on specific topics.


Mohammad Amir Alimi

Assistant Professor, Department of Mining, Birjand University of Technology