Explaining the Process of Formation of Sense of Place in New Development of Historic-Tourist Cities (Case Study: Yazd City)
Publish place: Ist International Conference on LUT DESERT TOURISM (local and International opportunities)
Publish Year: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 321
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 27 تیر 1398
the sense of place means the perception of people from the environment and their consciously-conscious emotions from their environment that places a person in an inner connection with the environment, in which the individual s understanding and sense is linked to the semantic context. Therefore, the purpose of this research is how the process of forming a sense of place in the new urban development of Yazd. From the point of view of the application-developmental purpose, this research is descriptive-analytical in nature and method. The method of collecting library, documentary, and field information is using questionnaire tool. The results of the study show that the variables of sense of place, readability variable with correlation coefficient of 0.448 have the highest correlation with sense of place, and the identity and personality variable with correlation coefficient is 0.09 lowest correlation with sense of place
Shahaboddin Hajj foroush
Ph.D. Student of Geography and Urban Planning, Yazd University
Zohreh Taghizadeh
MSc in Geography and Urban Planning, Najafabad Azad University