Cultural and Artistic Capabilities of Nasrabad Bagheran Village in Tourism Development
Publish place: Ist International Conference on LUT DESERT TOURISM (local and International opportunities)
Publish Year: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 424
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 27 تیر 1398
The goal of rural tourism development is a step towards rural development as the main axis of local production and development of agricultural sector in a sustainable way. The objectives of this research are to provide solutions to support and develop cultural activities and traditional arts in order to attract more tourists to the city of Birjand in Nasrabad, Baghdaran, and effective ways to revive the culture and traditions of the villages for the prosperity and development of tourism and its impact on The tourism target is considered and the economic, cultural and social situation of the village of Nasrabad has been investigated. After presenting the analysis of research questions, the results showed that there is a difference between sources and cultural and artistic potentials, and the highest ranking in tourism is economy and employment, after which social and cultural factors are ranked second. There is a relationship between applied strategies and investment in rural tourism in the cultural, artistic and employment field. The highest ranking is the sale of rural products (handicrafts, dairy products, etc.). After that, the sales of food and daily necessities needed by tourists are ranked second. Also, the results showed that the two components of recreation and development are not in desirable condition.
Hossain Kohistani.
Faculty Member of the Faculty of Art, Birjand Art University
Nasrin Nasrabadi
Master s degree in art research, Islamic Azad University of Birjand