Effect of Solution Conductivity and Surface Tension on Electrospun Polymeric Nanofibers
Publish place: 02nd Conference on Nanostructures
Publish Year: 1386
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 2,351
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 11 اردیبهشت 1389
Polystyrene fibers were produced by the electrospinning technique. The effects of solution conductivity and surface tension on morphology and average diameter of electrospun fibers were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Solutions of 10 and 12 % (w/v) polystyrene in dimethylformamide were prepared. Lithium Chloride and a non-ionic surfactant were used to change the conductivity and surface tension of the solutions respectively. The results indicate that increasing the solution conductivity, eliminates the bead formation and increases the fiber diameters. By reducing the concentration to 10% (w/v) and adding 0.1% LiCl, bead-free thin fibers were produced. Adding 0.1% surfactant reduces the solution surface tension and results in smaller beads
D Fallahi
Polymer Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology
M Rafizadeh
Polymer Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology
N Mohammadi
Polymer Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology
B Vahidi
Electrical Engineering Department, Amirkabir University