Application of Color Doppler Imaging in Optimizing ART Success

Publish Year: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 364

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 29 مهر 1398


Transvaginal ultrasonography plays an essential role in modern fertility management and color Doppler ultrasound has made a significant improvement in the assessment of infertility.Measurement of uterine perfusion by color Doppler, have a predictive value regarding fertility in patients undergoing dif-ferent methods of medically assisted reproduction. Color Dop-pler permits visualization of small intraovarian and endometrial vessels, allowing depiction of normal and pathological changes in reproductive organs.During the normal menstrual cycle, there is a sharp increase in end-diastolic velocities of the uterine arteries between the pro-liferative and secretory phases. Interestingly, the lowest blood flow impedance occurs during the time of peak luteal function, during which implantation is most likely to occur. In unovu-latory cycles, these changes are not present, and a continuous increase in the RI is seen.Measurement of ovarian stromal blood flow in the early follicu-lar phase is related to subsequent ovarian responsiveness in IVF treatment. Poor responder seems to have low ovarian stromal blood flow PSV.Follicular vascularity may represent a parameter in the assess-ment of folliculogenesis and there is a possible link between follicular vascularity and implantation potential.A good blood supply towards the endometrium is usually con-sidered as an essential requirement for normal implantation. Absent subendometrial and intraendometrial vascularization on the day of hCG administration appears to be a useful predictor of failure of implantation in IVF cycles, irrespective of the mor-phological appearance of the endometrium.


M Khalili Sadrabad

Department of Reproductive Imaging, Reproductive Biomedicine Research Center, Royan Institute for Reproductive Biomedicine,ACECR, Tehran, Iran

F Ahmadi

Department of Reproductive Imaging, Reproductive Biomedicine Research Center, Royan Institute for Reproductive Biomedicine,ACECR, Tehran, Iran