A Brief Description a Bout Nanotherpy for Alzheimer’s Disease

Publish Year: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 501

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 7 آبان 1398


46/7 million people suffer from Alzheimer’s which is estimated to reach 131/5 million by 2050. Alzheimer’s is a neurodegenerative disorder(ND) that is identified by the presence of amyloid plaques in brain as the main Symptoms. Blood Brain Barrier (BBB), is one of the most important challenges to drug delivery for such as Alzheimer’s, which limits the therapeutic effects. Hence, the development of Therapeutic systems based on nanoparticles(NPS), allows better and more targeted release for brain as a new strategies for braindisorders. The available drugs for Alzheimer’s treatment only reduce the symptoms and prevent the progression of the disease, but definitive treatment for Alzheimer’s has not identified yet, and BBB is one of the barriers to drug delivery to the brain. Nanomedicines can be introducedas an effective way to treat Alzheimer’s. the ideal feature of NPS for the treatment of Alzheimer is crossing beyond BBB and establishment of an appropriate interaction with markers. Nanotechnology uses special polymer nanomaterials to design nanomaterials withthe smallest application size that are capable to interact with biological systems at the molecular level, Which is responsible for stimulating, responding, interacting with target cells or tissues by inducing the desired physiological responses with the least side effects.Different classes of nanostructures can help improve the treatment through a gene or cell. Conclusion: As the nervous disorders are caused by several factors in NDs, the death of a specific type of neuron is caused by a cascade of several molecular and cellular events,nanotherapy and side effects of drugs in each of these pathways should be investigated. In vivo investigation can reveal long term effects of NPS,, toxicity and their side effects. Early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s results in more effective treatment.


Maryam Etemadi

Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Biology, University of Zabol, Zabol, Iran