Synthesis and characterization of coordination polymers using Copper(II)-carboxylate disulfide

Publish Year: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 422

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 5 آذر 1398


Two copper(II)-carboxylate disulfide coordination polymers [Cu2((O2CPhS)2)2(DMF)2]n (1) and Cu2((O2CPhS)2)2(4,4′−dipyridyl)]n (2) have been synthesized using the 4,4′-dithiodibenzoic acid ((SPhCO2H)2) and 4,4′−dipyridyl as ligands [1]. These two compounds were characterized by X-ray diffraction, IR, thermogravimetric analyses and SEM and then their porosity was determined by N2 and CO2 sorption. Compounds 1 and 2 are polymorphs with the presence, for both, of dinuclear paddle-wheel copper(II)-carboxylates. In compound 1, the adjacent dimeric Cu2 units are linked by two (O2CPhS)2 ligands generating a cyclic loop 1D chain, and in compound 2, each pair of Cu(II) atoms is linked by four ligands to create 2D networks, that are 2-fold interpenetrated [2].By using 4,4′−dipyridyl as a pillar ligand to extend 1D CPs to 2D network, the BET value was increased form 196 m2/g in 1D network to 680 m2/g in 2D structure.


Najmeh jarrah

Department of Chemistry, Isfahan University, Isfahan ۸۱۷۴۶-۷۳۴۴۱, Iran.Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN۲), Campus UAB, Bellaterra, ۰۸۱۹۳ Barcelona, Spain

Majid Moghadam

Department of Chemistry, Isfahan University, Isfahan ۸۱۷۴۶-۷۳۴۴۱, Iran

Shahram Tangestaninejad

Department of Chemistry, Isfahan University, Isfahan ۸۱۷۴۶-۷۳۴۴۱, Iran

Iraj Mohammadpoor‐Baltork

Department of Chemistry, Isfahan University, Isfahan ۸۱۷۴۶-۷۳۴۴۱, Iran

Valiollah Mirkhani

Department of Chemistry, Isfahan University, Isfahan ۸۱۷۴۶-۷۳۴۴۱, Iran

Javier Troyano

Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN۲), Campus UAB, Bellaterra, ۰۸۱۹۳ Barcelona, Spain