Investigation of Morphometric Parameters and Their Impact on the Hydrological and Geomorphic Processes by Using Arc GIS (Case Study: Tuyserkan Basin)

Publish Year: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 5 آذر 1398


In general, land and water resources are in decline due to the rapid population growth, urbanization, and industrialization. Indeed, demand for these resources has increased sharply making it essential for sustainable development to make optimal use of water and soil. In this paper, we have tried to study the morphometric characteristics of Tuyserkan Basin. Morphometric parameters for the basin were determined using ASTER images in Geographic Information System. The drainage area of the watershed is 364.82 km2 and constitutes a 5th-order drainage basin. The result indicates that the drainage area is 364.82 km2, the perimeter is 324.23 km, the basin length is 37.68 km, the drainage texture is 0.07, the constant of channel maintenance is 9.72, the stream frequency is 0.06, the drainage density is 0.1, and the length overflow is 0.18. A mean bifurcation ratio of 4.29 to the drainage pattern has not been disturbed by structural disturbance. The form factor of 0.25, the circularity ratio of 0.043, and the elongation ratio of 0.57 indicate that the basin is sub-circular to elongate in shape. The results of the analysis of features of the Tuyserkan basin indicate that the watersheds have a moderate roughness. The dendritic drainage network shows the homogeneity of the texture. This type of basin structure helps to explain various parameters of the earth, such as the nature of the earth, penetration capacity, runoff production, and soil erosion. The results of the drainage density and the flow rate of the average permeability are shown.


Gh. H. Jafari

۱. Associate Professor of Geomorphology, Zanjan University, Department of Geography, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran (Phone: +۹۸-۲۴-۳۳۰۵-۴۱۷۶; fax: +۹۸-۲۴-۳۲۲۸-۳۲۰۱)

Z. Barati

۲. Master of Hydrogeomorphology, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran (Phone: +۹۸-۴۶۹-۲۳۲۹),