Qualification of Track Parameters Based on a Review of Previous Studies

Publish Year: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 398

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  • Certificate
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 بهمن 1398


The objective of this paper is to qualify track parameters systematically over a wide range of categories. The characteristic length is strongly related to all track parameters including deflection. These relations and interrelations among track parameters are used to qualify all other track parameters. As such, the characteristic length is qualified by previous studies, a literature review, and analysis. The qualification of other track parameters is based on the qualification of the characteristic length. The track deflection is defined with reference to the characteristic length and is formulated and qualified as the minimum, optimum, and limiting deflections. The qualification would help design engineers to apply more accurate track parameter values in a consistent manner during the design phase, as well as help field engineers evaluate the track foundation condition and track performance in making maintenance decisions. In addition, the qualification work would aid engineers in judging or inferring the requirements of some track materials. The qualification work is validated against current qualifications and literature.


Nazmul Hasan

Senior Trackwork Engineer, SNC-Lavalin Inc., Rail and Transit Division, Suite ۵۰۰–۷۴۵, Thurlow St.,Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V۶E ۰C۵, PH (۶۰۴) ۳۵۵۶-۴۰۷۷;