Analysis of transforming from Tehran -Tabriz railway structure to the basement

Publish Year: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 425

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 بهمن 1398


With increasing day-to-day population in cities and developing countries and in line with the increase and production of multiple cars, resulting in an increase in urban traffic in the transmission lines of main roads and urban highways, particularly in places like the capital of the countries. Therefore, road and road specialists have long believed that by running underground and airways highways and roads can reduce the traffic burden in the cities and reduce the amount of traffic cars and public transportation is greatly reduced. One of the most thoughtful ideas in the field of road and urban planning in Tehran s large city, the design and implementation of the Tehran -Tabriz Transmission Line project from underground from km 7+60 to 9+200 in Tehran s 17th and 18th areas, except the largest and most complex The most structural, road and rail projects in the country are examples of a smart and modern design in Iran. This paper tries to scrutinize and analyze the design issues, details of the project, and the technical calculations, implementation, and debates that the project faces, and has sampled a complex modern engineering structure at the national level. Displayed.


Morteza ShirMohammadi

Researcher and MS.c. Civil Engineering-Structure, Islamic Azad University of West Tehran Branch,