Investigation about antimicrobial pattern that isolated from clients of health center and Kashmar-Khorasane Razavi, Iran. Spring 1398

Publish Year: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 451

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 26 بهمن 1398


Introduction &objectives: One of the most infection is urinary tract infection (UTI) that caused by bacteria which is the most important reason is Entrobacteriacea special E. coli and Kelebsila. Antimicrobial pattern is one of the most important challenge for WHO & specially in developed countries.The purpose of this study is surviving from UTI and antimicrobial pattern that caused by bacteria, in health center and lab, in Kashmar, during 2months of spring. Material &Method: This investigation was descriptive and cross-sectional study about clients of health center in city, village and lab, in Kashmar, during 2 months of spring. Urine sample (midstream) was cultured on selective medium and bacteria that grew up, separated with differential culture medium. Antibiogram test done by disk diffusion, Macfarland standard and CLSI 2018 and result were analyzed by spss16. Result: Clients were 460person which 252 number were female ( 76.31% ) and 109 number were male( 23.69%) . Of the total of urine sample 126 were positive. E. coli by prevalence 63 was the most common and sensitive to Amikacin, Piperacillin- Tazobaktam, Ciprofloxacin & most resistant to cefalotin and Ceftriaxone. Conclusion: As a result, most sufferers were Pediatrics (53case) and 20-35 years old women (50case). For prevention of UTI, detecting hypertension and nephritis is necessary.


M. Ganjbakhsh.

Educational, Research and Cure Center of Emam Reza of Mashhad, Medical Science University of Mashhad & Department of Medical Lab. Science, Varastegan Institute for Medical Science, Mashhad, Iran

Z Ghaderi

Department of Medical Lab.Science, Varastegan Institute for Medical Science, Mashhad, Iran

P. Hashemi

Department of Medical Lab.Science, Varastegan Institute for Medical Science, Mashhad, Iran

N Abbasian

Department of Medical Lab.Science, Varastegan Institute for Medical Science, Mashhad, Iran