Isolation, detection and formulation of Serratia odorifera to produce the efficient biofertilizer

Publish Year: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 332

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 26 بهمن 1398


Introduction and Objectives: Agriculture industrial affecting directly on the human’s health. To increase the quantity of crops, the applications of fertilizer is a necessary practice. Plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) can do a significant role in the supply of plant nutritional needs. This bacterium can soluble of the necessary elements like phosphorous and potassium that trapped in the soil and taking nitrogen of the air. Therefore, uses of this bacterium, increasing the amount of the crops and reduces the usage of chemical fertilizers. Materials and Methods: To isolation of bacteria, several samples of the soil and saffron plant were collected. Serial dilution method and NFB medium were used to detect of N-fixing bacteria. Then pH and salinity tests were used to selection of suitable bacteria with high adaptability to growth in the natural environment. The most resistant bacteria were selected and determined by 16s rRNA test. Agricultural test performed on the wheat in the natural condition. To increase the bacterial durability, the formulation was performed, and its survival was measured up to nine months. Results: In total 113 bacteria were isolated in the first stage that was able to grow on the NFB medium. Among them, one bacterium was selected after salinity and pH tests. After the 16s rRNA test, bacterium recognized as Serratia odorifera. The formulated bacterium with Beet molasses, PVA and glycerol after nine months showed 1106 CFU/ML. In the field test, the best result was wheat treatment with bacteria and fertilizer simultaneously. Conclusion: Attention to bacteria as biofertilizer can help to the decrease amount of the chemical fertilizer usage and increasing of quality of products.