Effect of whole cell Vaccination on major virulence factor expression of Bordetella pertussis isolates in Iran

Publish Year: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 408

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 26 بهمن 1398


Introduction and Objectives: Bordetella pertussis is the causative agent of whooping cough, a highly contagious respiratory disease most severe in infants and young children. Notably the resurgence of pertussis has recently been associated with the emergence and spread of pertussis toxin promoter (ptxP3) isolates and lacking the production of vaccine virulence factors. In This study we have been screening Fha and Prn production from 100 isolates collected during 2005-2018, in Iran with WCV immunization program.Materials and Methods: We select 100 B. pertussis isolates from Pertussis Reference Laboratory of Pasteur Institute of Iran. Real-time PCR were used to confirm B.pertussis. To evaluate the expression of major virulence factors Pertactin (PRN) and filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA), SDS-PAGE and western-blot were used. Results: The western blot analysis showed that all tested B. pertussis isolates expressed Prn and all but one expressed Fha and one isolate, was identified with severely reduced express Fha. We have sequenced genomes of these strains and identified differences compared with genome reference B. pertussis Tohama I. Conclusion: In conclude, in many countries reporting Prn and Fha-deficiency due to vaccine influence but in Iran it does not looks seems like this. Because, ACV-induced immunity is focused on just a few proteins, creating a stronger selection pressure for strains expressing antigenic variants of these proteins. These results demonstrate surveillance of B. pertussis provide a better understanding of the effect of WCV on the evolution of the pathogen deficiency and emphasis the importance of continued surveillance of other major pertussis virulence factors and optimize strategies to reduce the incidence of pertussis.


Samaneh saedi

Pasteur Institute of Iran

fershteh shahcheraghi

Pasteur Institute of Iran

azadeh safarchi

Pasteur Institute of Iran

vajihe nikbin

Pasteur Institute of Iran