Publish Year: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 26 بهمن 1398


Background and Aim : The communication skills of nurses affects on the quality of service andjob satisfaction. In this study the relationship between emotional intelligence and communica t ionskills of nurses of emergency departments in teaching hospitals affiliatted to Iran University ofMedical Sciences has been investigated.Methods : This research is a cross-sectional study that was conducted in 2014. 253 nurses of 15hospitals of Iran University of Medical Sciences were partcipated in this study. Data collectionwas done through a questionaire. The reliability and validity were assessed during the study.ANOVA and Pearson and Spearman correlation tests were used.Results : The mean scores of emotional intelligence 31/78 (out of a total score of 112 pointsattainable) estimates that of the next highest score and the lowest score belonged to the selfconsciousness83/20 19/18 respectively. The total average rating of communication skills wasestimated at 91/70. The total score of emotional intelligence and communication skills betweenthe total score, there was a significant relationship (01/0> p, 775/0 = r). Four dimensions ofemotional intelligence and communication skills as well as between the total score was also strongsignificant relationship .Conclusion : Since the communication skills of emotional intelligence and its dimensions ofnurses working in the emergency department of hospitals has a positive effect, managers ofhospitals with training sessions could strengthen communication skills and the ability to improvingemotional intelligence and its dimensions in nursing staff and promote continuous improveme nthospitals provide emergency services.


Faeze Abbasi

Medical student,medicine faculty,Iran University Of Mdical sciences,Tehran,Iran

Mahdi Koochakzade

Medical student,medicine faculty,Iran University Of Mdical sciences,Tehran,Iran