جستاری نو از تاریخ خاندان دقاق نیشابوری بلیانی کازرونی ال شیخ لارستان

7 اسفند 1402 - خواندن 15 دقیقه - 231 بازدید


"The History of Āl-e Sheikh Family in Larestan" presented in this book is the culmination of decades of meticulous research, combining the analysis of historical documents and extensive library resources with field investigations and laboratory studies, including genetic analysis conducted over the past year.

Having dedicated nearly 30 years to the systematic collection of historical documents pertaining to southern Iran and specifically Larestan, we have gained invaluable insights into the social and mystical fabric of the region, as well as the trajectory and conduct of Āl-e Sheikh Family. To provide a comprehensive account, it became imperative to undertake field research alongside comprehensive documentary and library investigations. This comprehensive endeavor was carried out between the years 2023 and 2024.

Extensive field research was conducted to unravel the history of migration and settlement, delve into the mystical aspects, and explore the written heritage of Āl-e Sheikh Family. This encompassed an in-depth examination of manuscripts and local documents, which yielded over 60 unique pieces, including affidavits, testimonials, and other relevant materials. Additionally, 5manuscripts were carefully collected from the region.

Furthermore, the exploration involved the meticulous discovery, photography, and study of nearly 200 stone tablets. These tablets consisted of memorial inscriptions, as well as dates inscribed on historical buildings and tombstones belonging to the esteemed leaders and scholars of Āl-e Sheikh Family in Larestan, spanning from the 9th century AH (8th century AD) to the present era.

To successfully carry out these extensive endeavors, multiple research teams were dispatched to various locations where Āl-e Sheikh Family established settlements, including Lar, Fishvar, Evaz, Khonj, Shiraz, and Kazeroon. Their collective efforts were instrumental in accomplishing this monumental task.

The research approach adopted for this study involved a comprehensive examination of regional, national, and international documents, including scientific manuscripts pertaining to Āl-e Sheikh Family. Extensive efforts were made to trace and compile these invaluable resources, resulting in the identification of nearly 30 manuscripts, which were meticulously counted and compiled in PDF format.

In addition to the exploration of written records, particular attention was given to tracing the lineage and descendants of Āl-e Sheikh Family, encompassing both the esteemed elders and the subsequent generations. Of particular interest was the exploration of the lesser-known personality, Sheikh Abu Abdullah NasimuddinMuhammad bin Sa'eeduddin (also known as Abu Mohammādin or Sheikh Abu Tāher) in Larestan.

The focus on Sheikh Abu Tāher was driven by the aim of establishing his lineage and familial connections with other Sufi sheikhs. Moreover, this approach facilitated a comprehensive understanding of the broader Āl-e Sheikh Family, thereby contributing to a cohesive and structured research program.

Consequently, a comprehensive program and meticulously designed research work plan (proposal) were developed, aligning with the established standards of scientific research and ensuring reliability. This program encompassed a holistic vision and a series of interconnected goals, all aimed at achieving the ultimate objective. These goals were strategically organized into distinct implementation phases, ensuring a cohesive and structured approach.

Following an entire year devoted to unwavering research efforts, including documentary analysis, library investigations, genetic studies, laboratory examinations, and extensive fieldwork accompanied by thorough note-taking, a remarkable accomplishment worthy of utmost recognition was attained. The results of this dedicated endeavor are outlined as follows:

Through extensive interviews and discussions with scholars, who shared insights into past events and narratives surrounding Sheikh Abu Tāher, combined with a thorough examination of anecdotes and oral history, a significant finding emerged. It was established that Āl-e Sheikh clans, who settled in Fishvar Village within the Larestan Area, comprised renowned families recognized as sheikhs. These families included Sheikh Ya'qoubi, Jamāli, 'Emādi, Qāderzādegān, Rahimi, Delāvari, Qāderpour, Vahidi, Sheikhi, Tāheri, Sabour, Sabourzādeh, and Tāherdokht. They claimed direct descent from Abu Tāher. Notably, other clans residing in Fishvar also validated this ancestral connection.

Furthermore, it was revealed that the sheikhs of Āl-e Sheikh Family, who resided in Qatar and Bahrain for approximately two centuries, were part of the same lineage originating from Larestan Region. Their migration to these areas represented a significant chapter in the family's history.

Through an in-depth examination of national and international documents, we gained profound insights into the family background and mystical persona of Sheikh Abu Tāher, who served as a pivotal figure in the lineage of Āl-e Sheikh Family in Larestan. Our research revealed the comprehensive identity of this historical figure as Nasim al-Din Muhammad Abu Tāher Abu Abdullah IbnSa'eed al-Din (also known as Abu Mohammadin) (735-810 AH; 1334-1410 AD).

According to the esteemed work of Shams al-Din Sakhāvi, as documented in his reputable book "Al-Zaow' al-Lāme' le Ahl al-Qarn al-Tāse'" (the illuminating guide for the people of the 9th century), Sheikh Abu TāherNasim al-Din Muhammad undertook multiple pilgrimages to the sacred city of Mecca. During these journeys, he resided in Mecca and Medina for extended periods, engaging in enlightening discussions and teaching sessions. Notably, one of his distinguished disciples was Taqi al-Din Abu al-Tayyib Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Ali al-Fāsi al-Maki al-Maliki al-Hasani (775-832 AH; 1373-1429 AD), renowned as the author of "Al-Aqd al-Thamin fi Tārikh al-Balad al-Amin" (the 8th contract in the history of the secure land). Taqi al-Din was revered as one of the prominent historians within the Arab world.

Following his final pilgrimage to Mecca, Nasim al-Din Muhammad entered and settled in Larestan Region, where he continued his spiritual journey. Unfortunately, his time in Larestan was short-lived as he passed away soon after his arrival.

As per Sakhāvi's account in the aforementioned book, it was revealed that Sheikh Abu Tāher Nasim al-Din hailed from Kazeroon, a city located in Fars Province. Notably, he had a brother named Sheikh 'Afif al-Din Muhammad (727-802 AH; 1326-1399 AD), who resided in Mecca and Medina prior to him. Sheikh 'Afif al-Din Muhammad, known for hosting enlightening discussion sessions, eventually passed away in Najd and was laid to rest there.

Through the meticulous examination of numerous documents, we successfully uncovered the identities of Sheikh Abu Tāher, Sheikh Sa'eed al-Din Muhammad (Abu Mohammadin), his esteemed father, and an extensive lineage of ancestors belonging to Sheikh Abu Tāher. Furthermore, we meticulously traced the prominent figures and leaders within this esteemed group of sheikhs known as Mashāyekh Belyāni Kāzerooni, who possessed a collection of manuscripts, written works, and authentic documents of significant historical value.

Through an extensive exploration of the history surrounding Mashāyekh Belyāni Kāzerooni and the ancestors of Sheikh Abu Tāher, we uncovered the notable figure of Abu Ali Hasan al-Daqāq Neishaboori. This esteemed ancestor belonged to the realm of mystics during the 10th and 11th centuries AD. Known as a devoted follower of the mystical path, he established the renowned Daqāqiya School of Neishaboor. Our research revealed that Āl-e Sheikh Family, consisting of mystics and revered elders of the mystical path, migrated to Kazeroon during this period. They aligned themselves with the spiritual leadership of Ishāqiya and Murshidiyain Kazeroon, particularly under the guidance of Sheikh Murshid whose full name was Ibrahim Ibn Shahriār IbnZādān Farrokh Ibn Khurshid (352-426 AH; 963-1035 AD). Āl-e Sheikh Family continued to follow this spiritual path and attained a distinguished stature in the subsequent centuries.

Further delving into the history of Daqāq NeishāburiFamily, as well as the lineage of Mashāyekh BelyāniKāzerooni and specifically Sheikh Abu Tāher in more recent years until the present era, our research revealed a multitude of scholars, nobles, and mystics belonging to Āl-e Sheikh Family. This extensive investigation granted us access to approximately 45 manuscripts encompassing a wide range of disciplines, including astronomy, astrology, jurisprudence, history, literature and poetry, hadith, mysticism, and Sufism. These invaluable manuscripts significantly enriched our understanding of Āl-e Sheikh Family's intellectual heritage and contributions up to this stage of our documentary research.

It quickly became evident that renowned astronomers, such as Maulānā Mir Mazharuddin QāriLāri, who possessed the renowned Mazhari Horoscope and a manuscript on calendar knowledge entitled "The History of Āl-e Sheikh Family in Larestan: Genealogy, Migration, and Establishment", hailed from the lineage of Sheikh Abu Tāher Nasimuddin Muhammad and the esteemed Āl-e Sheikh Family.

Further research revealed that Mir Azizullah Hosseini(950-1010 AH; 1543-1620 AD), son of Mir Abdullah known as Shah Monajjem-e Shirazi, an astrologer, held a significant position within the family of MashāyekhBelyāni. He was recognized as both a scientific member and astrologer and he also happened to be the son of the paternal uncles of Āl-e Sheikh Family in Larestan. Mir Azizullah Hosseini identified himself as a person related to Sādāt-e Hosseini, tracing his lineage back to Imams, specifically Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him). Notably, Mir Azizullah Hosseini held the esteemed role of master over Maulānā Qutb al-Din Abd al-Hay bin 'Ezzaddin Hosseini Zāhedi Kabiri Lāri (980-1050 AH; 1572-1640 AD), who possessed manuscripts in astronomy and astrology known as "Hal va Aqd-e Lāri" and Hal al-Masā'el Lāri (Lāri Solutions to Problems). It is worth mentioning that Mir Azizullah Belyāni's position of mastership and his lineage as a descendant of Imams were prominently featured in the Lari Treatise of "Hal va Aqd-e Lāri."

In general, although the question of Āl-e Sheikh Family's lineage as descendants of Imams still holds numerous unresolved ambiguities, we have encountered several documents that shed light on the matter as outlined below:

A) It is worth noting that Taqiuddin Owhaddi Belyāni, the esteemed author of "'Arafāt al-'Āsheqin and 'Arasāt al-'Ārefin" (a compilation encompassing the experiences of spiritual seekers and mystics), and a distinguished member of Mashāyekh Belyāni Kāzerooni Family, explicitly acknowledged their lineage as descendants of Imams. In his work, he established a sevenfold paternal lineage tracing back to Sheikh Owhaddin Belyāni (d. 683 AH), a revered mystic from the 7th century AH, ultimately connecting to Imam Musa Kāzem (Peace Be Upon Him) through 10 intermediaries.

B) Furthermore, the writings of Maulānā Qutbuddin Abdal-Hay bin 'Ezzuddin Hosseini Zāhedi Kabiri Lāri servedas a testament to his firm belief that Maulana Mir Azizullah bin Mir Abdullah (also known as HosseiniBelyāni), who was renowned for his astronomical expertise, indeed descended from the lineage of Imams.

C) The Chashma Document, an authentic endowment deed titled "Be Mashq va Qanāt-e Qarcha in Kazeroon," provided valuable insights into the competition surrounding the mentioned spring and lands in Kazeroon, as well as the guidelines for its utilization and ongoing construction. This original copy of the endowment was meticulously prepared and penned on the 3rd day of Muharram in the year 715 AH (1315 AD). The name of Sheikh Amin al-Din, Abu Tāher's grand grandfather, was prominently inscribed in this endowment deed with the honorific title of "Al-Sayyid al-Ayyid al-Jayyid al-Mubidal-Mu'ayyid men endallāh al-Mulk al-Mulk al-Mulk al-Wali Haji Sayyid Amin al-Haq wa al-Shari'a wa al-Haqiqah Nāsih fi mā bain al-Muslimin Muhammad."

The detailed account of Seyyed Amin al-Din Belyāni, the esteemed grandfather of Sheikh Abu Tāher, could be found in the works of "Mahmoud Ibn Othman",specifically Javāher al-Aminiyyah va Miftāh al-Hidāyaand Misbāh al-'Ināya, both published in 747 AH (1368 AD). These texts offered a comprehensive depiction of the circumstances surrounding Seyyed AminuddinBelyāni Kāzerooni and were compiled under the title "Biography of Seyyed Aminuddin Belyāni" as narrated by Mahmoud bin Othman.

D) Furthermore, the book "Wazin Lobāb al-Ansāb wa al-Alqāb wa al-A'qāb" authored by Zahir al-Din al-Bayhaqi, known by his full name Zahir al-Din Abul Hasan Ali bin Zayd al-Bayhaqi al-Shahir be Ibn Fadnduq (499-565 AH; 1105-1169 AD), provided a general account stating that Al-Daqāq Neishābori Family was traced back to Imam Musa Kāzem (Peace Be Upon Him).

However, it is worth highlighting that, for the first time, the genealogy of this renowned family was meticulously traced back to the 11th century AH (17thcentury CE) through substantiated and reliable documents. This genealogical investigation encompassed the period when Sheikh Abu Tāher's children resided in the city of Lar, alongside their descendants in the early Islamic centuries. Manuscripts and well-supported documents were presented, shedding light on each notable member of Āl-e Sheikh Family.

To establish a comprehensive understanding of the present era, an array of sources was taken into consideration, including tombstones, local documents, manuscripts, and interviews with local historians and elders. Through a meticulous analysis of these historical documents, the connection between individuals from the current generation and those from the 11th century was incontrovertibly confirmed.

Despite the initial estimation of a two-and-a-half-year timeline to develop a comprehensive roadmap for achieving the ultimate goal of identifying Āl-e Sheikh Family in Larestan, circumstances, such as financial constraints, spiritual challenges, and operational obstacles, unfortunately necessitated a condensed timeframe of only one year. Nevertheless, the project was completed with determination and intensity, overcoming unforeseen circumstances. The research yielded unforeseen and highly favorable outcomes; yet, it is imperative to recognize the need for an extension of at least one or two more years to ensure thoroughness and achieve exceptional results.

In expressing gratitude, it is paramount to acknowledge the invaluable contributions of the professors and researchers, who supported us throughout this endeavor, playing a crucial role in advancing the programs and attaining significant outcomes. Furthermore, special recognition and appreciation are owed to the dedicated research teams in Lar City led by Engineer Navid Bāzyār and the research team in Shirazled by Dr. Majid Rashidpour. Their commitment and efforts have been instrumental in the successful execution of this research project.

Special thanks are also due to Fātemeh Gol Haqiqat, a member of Fishvar Council and the individual responsible for Fishvar Library, as well as MortezāSoleimāni, 'Emād 'Emādi, Jamshid Jamāli, and Abdul Aziz Nasriyāni, the trustees and sources of information from Fishvar Village. Their contributions have been invaluable.

We extend our gratitude for the cooperation and support received from the trustees of the historical BelyānVillage and the cultural enthusiasts from the historic city of Kazeroon, including Ali Qā'edi Moghaddam Belyāni, Negahdār Eskandari Davāni, and Mohammad Hassan Khonshāh Kāzerooni, who have provided their expertise as engineers. We deeply appreciate their intellectual and research collaboration over the course of several months.

Furthermore, we express our profound appreciation for the guidance and empathy of Dr. Mohammad Isma'ilHaqparast, who served as a literary and historical consultant and editor for this book. Additionally, we are immensely grateful for the incomparable efforts of Engineer Ali Ābedirad in reconstructing documents, undertaking graphic tasks, formatting reports, and compiling data.

May God's blessings be upon all those involved!

Manouchehr Ābedirad 

shiraz , iran

 Sheikh Abdul Aziz Mohammad Al-Sheikh

March of 2024

  Al-Doha, Qatar