Faith, Reason and Revealed Knowledge in the View of Shi‘a Scholars
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 7 خرداد 1399
|Mohsen Javadi*Received: 03/08/2019 | Accepted: 07/09/2019The relationship between faith and reason can be discussed at two different levels. One is called Rreligious Eepistemology which deals with the rationality of faith, and while the second level deals with the relation of a set of data available to the human mind because of revelation and what is available to human mind throthough his reason.. In this paper I argue that the prominent way of justifying faith in contemporary Shi‘ite t Thought is the argument from the data of reason. Regarding to the relation of the data of revelation and the data of reason, we must consider three forms of it separaetely. In the case of a contradiction of revelation and the reason, they usually give the priority to reason and use the method of interpretation (ta’vil) for making them cohernt with each other.. In such cases whereich reason and revelation have the same assertion or revelation says and reveals what is beyond reason without the contradiction between the two, they usally accept revelation as the source of knowledge. * Ph.D., Professor. Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, University of Qom, Qom, Iran. ׀ Javadi. M. (2019). Faith, Reason and Revealed Knowledge in the View of Shi‘a Scholars. The Journal of Philosophical-Theological Research, 21(81), 59۔72. doi: 10.22091/jptr.2019.4710.2196.
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استادتمام گروه فلسفه و کلام دانشگاه قم
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