Enhanced AC multiple-array electrothermal microfluidic pumping in 3D micro-grooved channels

Publish Year: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 496

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 22 تیر 1399


Utilizing the AC electrothermal effect is quite encourag-ing for biofluid micropumping, due to its ability to pump high ionic strength fluids. However, generating high fluid flow, while maintaining low-temperature rise, is vital in biological applications which is a lack of ACET micro-pumps. In this paper, a novel configuration of the micro-grooved channel with microelectrode arrays located on the side-walls is presented. This configuration applies a thin film of asymmetric electrodes on the surface of the micro-grooved channel that can be fabricated with con-ventional planar lithography techniques. The influence of new modifications on average fluid velocity and pump-ing flow rate is demonstrated. This study shows that the novel configuration increases the pumping flow rate up to 71 times as compared to a planar electrode pattern and can be employed in a wide range of applications such as drug delivery and lab-on-a-chip, where high flow rate for high conductivity fluids are required.


Seyed Mohammad Mahdavi Nasab

MSc. Student of Mechanical Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan;

Saadat Zirak

Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan;

Iman Ramazani Sarbandi

MSc. Student of Mechanical Engineering, Tehran University, Tehran;