Six Decades Housing Planning in Iran (1948-2008)
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Six Decades Housing Planning in Iran (1948-2008) abstract
In new Economic Era, the Urban Population Growth and the increasing urbanization have resulted in some challenges in providing housing. In Iran just like other countries governments has tried to consol the housing problems with different short-term development plans. Housing as a good and also as an essential need for households is considered in constitutional law. According to law having a suitable housing is a right of every Iranian households. In this way different approaches and policies has been examined in different periods. This project is oriented toward studying the evolution of these policies in housing sector. So explaining the goals, approaches and policies, their substantial ideas in planning for housing has been considered. On the other hand this project emphasize on the evolution of housing indicators and in this way the relations between policies in different plans will be emphasized.In order to achieve these goals, approaches and policies in housing and building sector and also some related areas as urban lands, rural housing and urban distressed areas are studied in six different planning plans before and after Islamic revolution. There has been an attempt to clarify the social, political and economic grounds of these policies, which is followed by more detailed explanation about their executive solutions.
Six Decades Housing Planning in Iran (1948-2008) authors