جمع آوری و شناسایی فلور استان اردبیل و تشکیل هرباریوم (فاز دوم)

نوع محتوی: طرح پژوهشی
Language: Persian
استان موضوع گزارش: سمنان
شهر موضوع گزارش: دامغان
Document ID: R-1066805
Publish: 16 February 2019
دسته بندی علمی: علوم کشاورزی
View: 177
Pages: 82
Publish Year: 1386

نسخه کامل Research منتشر نشده است و در دسترس نیست.

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Ardabil province is situated on the northern of country.This province is limited to republic of Azerbaijan from north, to Gilan province from east , to Zanjan province from south,and to the eastern Azarbaijan province from the west.Sabalan with a height of 4811 meters is know as the highest point and to the contray eras bank with a height of 20 meters in Moghan area is know as the lowest point in province. One of the most important research on the field of natural resources is << Collection and identification of the flora Ardabil province and establishment herbarium.> > That yield results of this investigation will be utilized in posterity researches. In the Research species plant had been collected and desiccated with take advantage of different reference as an example FLORA OF IRANICA had been recognized in the center of Ardabil research. The plants of Ardabil area has been collected and identificated at the two phases,that those took arrengmently five and two years.At the first time, the plant.Species(samples)were collected with support of field works at totalof ardabil province area.The field activities centralized in Meshghinshar,Germi, and Ardabil region.There are more than 2000 grow areas in refered sites,that these containing 68 family,487 genus and 883 species. Based on results of current studies,family of plants for instance Asteraceae with 125 species,Papilionaceae with 104 species,Poaceae with 85 and Labiatae with 68 species have the most varity in Ardabil zone. A number of 466 samples from 883 samples of collected plants has been compltly identificated to species extent and residue of those to genus stage. The grow areas have been distincted at second phase then field works ,that had not been studied at first phase,performed. Approximatly,a number of 1000 grow sites studied at second phase and these containing 39 family,162 genus and 327 species.A number of 230 samples of collected plants has been completely identified to species extent and residue of those to genus. In this study,the species of Butomaceae,Lythraceae,Thyphaceae and Potomogetonaceae family were collected in the first time. A number of 600 samples have been recognized to species extent at first and second phase,andremaining of those to genus. Compare of flora of Iranica data with collected and recognized species in this project indicated that a number of 42 family with 500 species have been knowledged proviously, but during of this research more than 800 species from 76 family were assimilated and introduced. The number of family and species will be increased by apperception of samples at future.