بررسی و تعیین پراکنش جغرافیایی گونه های پسته وحشی در استان هرمزگان

نوع محتوی: طرح پژوهشی
Language: Persian
استان موضوع گزارش: هرمزگان
شهر موضوع گزارش: بندرعباس
Document ID: R-1069124
Publish: 16 February 2019
دسته بندی علمی: علوم کشاورزی
View: 176
Pages: 48
Publish Year: 1379

نسخه کامل Research منتشر نشده است و در دسترس نیست.

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The pistacia stands has been situated In the mountainous areas,approxlmatlly between 250 m to 3200 m above sealevel, In Hormozgan province. The contribution of pistacia has been changed mostly during recent years. (tlms) which have resulted In degradation of pistacia specles and reduction of quality and quantity of this species.The work In this project were focused on potentialies recogonation and problems of existing resources for protection (conversion),development, rehabilitation and management of these forests In the featur.the best pistasia trees Is placed on the Amygdalus.seoparia- pistacia.atlantica types In Hormozgan province. These trees are developed In the altituldes, pediments and plains many years age, which are degradated by different factors such as. repeated dry period, human activities, orer grazing and etc. these factors are caused turned back Its from plains and pediments areas to high elevation parts and we con not see young and feresh pistacia trees In the plains and pediments area at now. younger and feresh Pistacia trees only observed In the high elevations. and steep slopes. the most reSiStant pecles observed in the pediments areas to gether with A.sc.P.af types as a new type "Do.vi.A. se. P.kh" which we cam see the degradation effects and observid ole pistacia trees as a P. at- ZI. sp type In the plain regions and limited areas In the rang land of northrn of Hormazgan Province but In the Eeastern part of Hormozgan province, the "P. kh" trees together with "Pr.aph" trees are formed a one type that call "Pr.aph-P.kh" type because geology (Makran zone) and soil of this Part Is different to another parts and this type is most Important In this region.