Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Weight Control Responsibility in Iranian women abstract
Background: Obesity has become pandemic due to an obesogenic environment and low emphasis on self-responsibility of health. Effects are greater for women owing to their smaller size and potentially extra
weight gain with each pregnancy. This study explored the knowledge, attitudes and performance of Weight Control in Iranian women.Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted by multistage random sampling as part of a larger study, using data from 528 women in the northwest of Iran, Urmia. The Family Eating and Activity Habit, and Dieting Belief Scale Questionnaires were used to assess the attitudes and performance towards self-responsibility of
weight control.Results: Participants mean age was 32.3 years old, and the majority was housewife (78.8%), with high school education (33.7%). The mean BMI of participant was 27.5 ± 4.5 kg/m2. Of obese participants, 62 % reported they don’t need to receive encouragement and support to lose
weight and 86% believe they can easily lose
weight by limited food intake Also, they believed in the effect of self-responsibility and exercise on
weight control. In addition, overweight women had higher levels of knowledge and performance than obese women in all questions.Conclusion: The obese and overweight women have accepted that individuals are responsible for taking care of their
weight and, the level of knowledge and attitude were optimal, but there are some obstacles in turning attitude into performance. Therefore, it should be addressed in-depth through qualitative research. In addition, motivational education and intervention can be expected to be very effective.Message for policymakers: Our findings disclosed the need to promote healthy
weight management practices in Iranian women, with an emphasis on diet and the surrounding environment. However, conditional access to healthcare based on personal lifestyle is still controversial. Longitudinal work is needed to clarify the causal nature of relationships between behavioral self-regulation and other mediating and moderating factors.