Urban floodplain management practice in australia
Publish place: 01st Seminar on mitigate and prevent flooding
Publish Year: 1381
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 7 خرداد 1390
This paper outlines current urban floodplain management practice in Australia. It focuses on practices in the state of new wouth wales NSW the most populous state and the state where floodplain manage ment is most advanced on a worldwide scale, australia ranks with southern africa as haveing the greatest hydrologic variaility with marked and often rapid swings in weather from severe drought to floods.australia is particularly vulnerable to destructive floods because european settlers in the early to mid 1800s sited most towns and cities beside large rivers that provided a reliable water supply and a convenient means of transport.
stephen lees
executive officer upper parramatta river catchment trust sydney australia