Categorization of ourchin domes based on their forms

Publish Year: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 25 فروردین 1400


Domes are one of the most frequent examples of Iranian architectural forms that can be found in several types throughout Iran and they can be categorized based on various features such as form, mode of construction, function and etc. Each region has its own special features in the design and construction of the dome. Ourchin domes, as one of the most important architectural features of the south and south - west of Iran, potentially reflect the characteristics of architecture in these areas. These characteristics and conditions as the basis of accurate perception, shape the criteria for analysis and classification these structures in order to extend our knowledge of this architectural form. This research aims to reach a comprehensive cognitive framework for the ourchin domes and subsequently provide an accurate classification with emphasis on past researches. In order to achieve this goal, reviewing its background including: its roots of the form and the lexical etymology is followed by studying some of the existing ourchin domes in the north of Khuzestan. To reach a more comprehensive categorization of ourchin domes based on their form. The library method and descriptive analysis are conducted. Finally the comprehensive classification of domes is extracted as a result.


Mohsen Ghomeshi

Master’s Degree in architectural and urban heritage, University of Tehran

Behnaz Dezaki

Master’s Degree in Architecture, JundiShapur University of Technology