Language Learning Histories and Learner Variables in an MA TEFL Programme: A Well-being Perspective
Publish place: Teaching English Language، Vol: 10، Issue: 2
Publish Year: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
View: 237
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 اردیبهشت 1400
Highlighting the complex and dynamic nature of learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) from the perspective of the well-being theory and following an intact group design, this study analyzed Iranian MA TEFL students' (N = ۳۷) language learning histories with regard to their language learning strategy use, multiple intelligences, language learning aptitude, and resiliency. T-test revealed a few significant differences in the ۲۴ components of well-being (VIA Institute of Character, ۲۰۱۴) in students' language learning histories between males and females. Qualitative analysis of ten students' coping strategies in negative circumstances showed that their language learning experiences included positive/negative emotions, meaningful engagement, relationships, and accomplishments albeit with some differences. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis revealed that learner variables play significant roles in shaping students' well-being. Detailed results along with discussions and implications for theory and practice are presented in the study.
Zainab Abolfazli Khonbi
Urmia University
Karim Sadeghi
Urmia University
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