The ecological condition of the Lasvinsky lakes, Perm, Russia

Publish Year: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 21 اردیبهشت 1400


The total area of the water surfaces in the Perm is ۶۰.۴ km۲. Among the surface water resources, lakes and swamps play an important role. They are reservoirs of available water that form the ecological state of the territory. The Lasvinsky lakes (that have a total area of around ۱۲۴۷ hectares) are wetlands that can be classified as specially protected areas, which are of particular importance for the conservation, restoration and maintenance of wetland communities, waterfowl resources and their habitats. These water bodies are located in Perm. This million city with a developed engineering infrastructure and powerful industrial enterprises inevitably has a negative impact on the environment, including the water bodies. The Lasvinsky lakes experience significant anthropogenic impact, which affects the current ecological situation. It has been established that the Lasvinsky lakes are of natural origin, their main source is groundwater, the level of which is determined by the regulation of the Votkinsk reservoir. The lakes have different self-cleaning abilities and different conditions for the hydro-chemical regime formation and it helps water productivity.


Svetlana Dvinskikh

Department of Hydrology and Water Resources Protection of Geography Faculty of Perm State University, Russia

Olga Larchenko

Department of Hydrology and Water Resources Protection of Geography Faculty of Perm State University, Russia