The effect of coal fly ash on the environment, human and animal life

Publish Year: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 22 اردیبهشت 1400


Coal-based power generation produces over ۷۵۰ Mt of coal ash per year globally, but less than ۳۰% of global production is utilized. Large amounts of fly ash are temporarily stored in stockpiles, disposed of in ash landfills or ponds. Coal fly ash (CFA) is a valuable industrial solid waste, but conventional methods used for its disposal can lead to severe and long-lasting environmental problems. Research into technologies for CFA recycling has been of great importance, while the damage caused by CFA is only partially understood, limiting its reuse. Coal ash is considered a significant potential source of release of many environmentally sensitive elements into the environment. Also, inhalation of suspended nano-sized coal fly ash particles through the respiratory tract and the presence of natural radionuclides in materials mixed with CFA and used for construction can cause serious health problems for humans and animals. This article presents the specific harm that CFA causes to humans, wildlife, and plants.


Homa Rezaei

School of Mining Engineering, College of Engineering University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

sead zia aldin shafahi tonkaboni

School of Mining Engineering, College of Engineering University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

Hadi Abdollahi

School of Mining Engineering, College of EngineeringUniversity of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

Zohreh Boroumand

Head of Nanobioearth department Applied research center of geological survey of Iran Tehran, Iran