The Semiotics of Characters in "Yutalibuni Bi al-Raqsa al-Kamila He Asked Me to Dance" by Muna Shafei

Publish Year: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: Arabic
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 22 خرداد 1400


Characters represent the main role in dramatic works of art. As characterization paves the way to know about the life of real characters, the characters undertake the task of narrative acts and they seeking to outpouring these actions to the definite end. It is an important element for the perception of reality through the its movement and works and emotions that penetrate the context of the novel and framed from the beginning to the last words and it must be the details of physical character and historical, cultural, ethnic and social characteristics that paint the general impression about the character to be included in the text of the novel; Because the novel aims at reflect human meanings. Thus, the present paper aims at review the semiotics of the characters in the novel "he Asked me to Dance" (Yutªlibuni Bi al-Raqsa al-Kªmila) by Kuwaiti novelist Munª Shᾱfei. the present research followed  the descriptive analysis, and chosed the  A.J. Greimas’s model for Semiotics of Characters in the novel, based on this model the characters (subject/ actor) have goals in novels, they also have incentives to achieve their goals, according to this the characters are driven by their motivating incentives toward their goal which is effect )object) and maybe these actors/subjects (characters) faced with assistance factors in reaching their goals. The novel is full of feelings and love. The novel "he Asked me to Dance" (Yutªlibuni Bi al-Raqsa al-Kªmila) is about female characters in families that a husband has multiple wives. This novel as a feminist novel investingtigates woman’s concerns and issues clearly, it considers women as the main subject to show her relationship with men and society. In the end, the article reached that Munª Shªfei gave the character of the novel a super importance and it’s visible,  psychological and social  dimensions have emerged clearly. In other words, The characters were presented through several methods in the novel  "he Asked me to Dance" that including: reporting style and  psychological and imaginative ways,  Moreover, the names of the characters are are not arbitrary  but chose by writer for narrative and certain reasons which deter the location of each character in the narrative text; each character has different subjective, replacement, virtual or aesthetical roles in the story.


رجاء ابوعلی

استادیار گروه زبان و ادبیات عربی دانشگاه علامه طباطبایی

اکرم حبیبی بردبری

دانشجوی دکتری زبان وادبیات عربی دانشگاه اصفهان

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