Accuracy of Stroke Diagnosis Using FAST (Face, Arm, Speech, Time) Tool by Emergency Medical Service Dispatchers and Technicians and its Impact on Transport Time

Publish Year: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 295

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 18 تیر 1400


Objectives: This study aimed to determine the accuracy of the Face-Arm-Speech-Time (FAST) screening tool used by emergency medical dispatchers (EMDs) and emergency medical technicians (EMTs) for the diagnosis of acute stroke and its effect on the patient’s transfer time from the scene to the hospital.Methods: This study was conducted retrospectively during a one-year period. Via census sampling, we recruited all patients over۱۸-years-old diagnosed with acute stroke whether by EMDs or by EMTs. Pre-hospital operation forms and hospital records were used for data gathering. Final diagnoses were finally determined according to the patients’ brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).Results: Totally, ۱,۲۸۰ patients with a mean age of ۶۴.۱ _ ۱۷.۸ years were studied, of whom, ۷۳۰ were men (۵۷%). Accordingly, ۱,۰۱۶ probable cases of stroke (۷۹.۴%) were reported by EMDs, while only ۵۴۳ cases (۴۲.۴%) were reported as suspected cases of stroke by EMTs at the scene of the incident. Ultimately, stroke wasconfirmedin ۵۱۹ (۴۰.۵%) cases. Accordingly, the Area under the curves (AUCs) for EMDs and EMTs were ۰.۵۰ (۰.۴۸ to ۰.۵۳) and ۰.۷۴ (۰.۷۱ to ۰.۷۶), respectively. Transport time (TT) was shorter if the initial diagnosis of stroke was made by EMTs. The TT was marginally significant and patients with stroke diagnoses were transported to the hospital faster than others (۱۷.۳_۱۱.۵ vs. ۱۸.۵_۱۱.۹ min; P = ۰.۰۶۵).Conclusions: The use of FAST by EMTs for detecting probable acute stroke has acceptable sensitivity and specificity; but when it is used by EMDs, it has higher sensitivity and very low specificity. The diagnosis of stroke by EMTs may lead to faster transport to the hospital.


Peyman Saberian

Prehospital Emergency Research Center, Tehran University ofMedical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. Anesthesiology Department, Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex, Tehran University ofMedical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

Nader Tavakoli

Trauma and Injury Research Center, Iran University ofMedical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Parisa Hasani-Sharamin

Tehran Emergency Medical Service Center, Tehran, Iran

Mehrad Aghili

Prehospital and Hospital Emergency Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.Department of Emergency Medicine, Shariati Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Alireza Baratloo

Prehospital and Hospital Emergency Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran