Impedimenta management of departments and branches of physical education colleges in Kurdistan region's Universities from the Perspective of lecturers

Publish Year: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 157

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 مرداد 1400


The study aims for the following:The University is considered an educational and production institution which works on developing knowledge and preparing the trained and qualified manpower scientifically, mentally and behaviorism, developed and developing countries equally pay big interest to education and teaching, so for that to pay off it needs an active administration to organize its activities and to coordinate the efforts of her individuals in order to reach the desired goals, in the whole world the university administration matter is considered a hot topic, therefore improving the administration performance for the heads of departments and branches in universities has become an international interest in all the countries in the world, and on that matter the researcher wanted to stand on the real performing level performed by the heads of departments and branches of physical education colleges for their administrational duties in the universities of Kurdistan region. that is why we were able to establish the administrational duties gauge for the heads of departments and branches, and recruiting the administrational elements in a good and functional way which leads to the development of administrational and technical businesses so the heads of departments and branches through their administrative duty for the service of the university can get benefit from it


Sarteep Omer Awwla

Salahaddin University, Erbil