Analysis of the experiences of Sulaimaniyah football team fans towards the theory of Schadenfreude from the Erbil team

Publish Year: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 269

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 مرداد 1400


The overall purpose of this study was to analyze the experiences of Sulaimaniyah football team fans towards the theory of Schadenfreude from the Erbil team. This research was qualitative in terms of development-applied purpose, qualitative in terms of data and cross-sectional in terms of survey nature. In addition, the plan was exploratory. The statistical population of this study consists of fans of the Sulaimaniyah football team in the Iraqi Kurdistan region who were selected as a sample using purposive sampling method and reaching a theoretical saturation of ۱۹ points. The data collection tool in this study was in-depth unstructured interview. The analysis of research data was performed using data theory of Glaser Approach Foundation and Maxqda software version ۱۸. Data analysis showed that the analysis of the experiences of Sulaimaniyah football team fans towards the theory of Schadenfreude from Erbil team led to the identification of ۷۰ open codes and fourteen central codes in the form of ۵ main categories of existing managerial and executive weaknesses, political and governmental problems, previous problems, Factors related to Fans and existing inequalities. According to the results, the managers of the teams and the officials of Kurdistan Region can provide the ground for reducing the Schadenfreude with proper management and non-partisanship of the teams.


Sardar Mohammadi

University of Kurdistan- University of Raparin

Shayan Abdalla Mohammed

University of Kurdistan- University of Raparin