Fatigue and Modal analysis of ER۲۴ locomotive bogie for manufacturing purpose

Publish Year: 1399
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 مهر 1400


Because of the importance of life-cycle and operational security of the locomotive’s chassis called bogie, a static analysis of wheel and axle of ER۲۴ locomotive’s bogie based on typical standards using different loads is required and conducted; including changes in axle load and acceleration, and then estimated the overall fatigue life of both wheel and axle. Points of interest in estimating fatigue life of wheel are: ۱. Effect of train’s speed on fatigue life and ۲. Effect of axle load on fatigue life. These factors were calculated using ANSYS software. In the end, a Modal analysis of the structure which informs about its natural frequencies and structural properties is conducted.


Payam Shahi

MSc. Student, Department of Manufacturing and production, University of Semnan

Shayan Asefi

MSc. Graduate, Civil engineering, Pars University

Masoud Mahmoodi

Assistant Professor, Department of Manufacturing and production, University of Semnan