Quantum Decision Table (QDT) a new concept as an edge computation intro quantum computing, neuralnetwork and object oriented attitudes

Publish Year: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 240

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 20 مهر 1400


Small ants can do what a big elephant can.!Not surprise, because smaller cell (smallest building block of life)can do that too. Very usual for them but a big problem for us.How they can do such a complex behavior so normally. The partof the problem that down in quantum field is role of quantum intheir mind. The subject of this paper is to deal with a newsuggestion about solving the quantum aspect of this dilemma.I think what happen in mind of ants, elephants and cell is asmall Quantum Decision Table (QDT). Means molecularstructure have been arranged that behave based on small QDT.We expect theoretically arrange physical qubits as small QDTthat can control behavior of existing’s mind. We expect bydiscovering ambiguous behind this dilemma, be able to present asimilar decision table to plant it in mind of quantum chips tocontrol mind of small devices. Finally to purify as an example Iwill present a small QDT for a silly robot that try to paint asquare cells with different color.In this paper we try to develop object oriented attitude andneural network thinking paradigm with a new idea that wenominate it QDT. However it’s need to write a big book tocompletely describe QDT but in this paper for first time, we tryto announce it and describe this concept as an edge computationintro quantum computing, neural network and object orientedattitudes


Hossein Abdolmaleki

Department of Engineering Science College of Engineering, University of TehranTehran, Iran

Nayereh Majd

Department of Engineering Science College of Engineering, University of TehranTehran, Iran