The Iranian Acceleromatic Data Bank:A Revision and Data Correction

Publish Year: 1377
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 14 آبان 1400


The Iranian strong motion records are studied and corrected in order to develop a reliable data base for further studies such as seismic hazard assessment. The Iranian strong motion network was installed in ۱۹۷۴, and now comprises ۱۰۰۰ stations under the supervision of BHRC. This instruments are SMA-۱ analog (installed before the Manjil Earthquake) and SSA-۲ digital kinemetrics types (after Manjil Earthquake). Out of a total of ۴۵۰ records with a priori satisfactory quality (well recorded and correctly digitized in the case of the SMA-۱ records), a set of ۲۷۹ records was selected for which it was possible to associate correctly determined source parameters (source magnitudes and epicentral distances): ۱۶۹ correspond to SMA-۱ instruments, and the remaining ۱۱۰ to seismotectonics regions are; ۱۴۳ in Zagros, ۷۸ in Central-Iran / lut, ۴۸ in Alborz, ۹ in Azarbayjan and one record in the Kopeh-Dagh region. The main outcome of this paper is to provide the first strong motion catalogue of Iran, with the indication of the site conditions;the frequency band over which the records are reliable, the peak values of acceleration, velocity and displacements,the source parameters (magnitudes, epicentral and macroseismic distances), the intensity and finally the fault plane solutions whenever possible.
