Analysis of the behavior of shear structures equipped with MR damper.

Publish Year: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 16 آبان 1400


Structural control methods such as energy utilization or seismic separation systems can be used in the structure. Structural control creates a creative perspective to reduce earthquake hazards by incorporating non-load-bearing protective devices to redistribute energy in the structure. Today, semi-active control system has been considered as one of the effective methods to increase the seismic performance of structures. Semi-active control devices can absorb or dissipate energy as soon as natural hazards occur, such as strong earthquakes and strong winds. MR dampers are one of the most efficient and widely used equipment that can consume a large amount of energy entering the structure. In this research, an approach for semi-active control of structures equipped with MR dampers will be presented. It will also be assumed that this six-story structure is equipped with two MR dampers that are installed on the first and second floors. Finally, this structure is analyzed by assuming linear behavior under the excitation of various earthquakes. The results of the paper indicate that the control of rotation is successful in reducing the relative lateral displacements of the others but increases the absolute accelerations in control. Also, the proposed controller is able to lower the criteria for relative lateral displacements or absolute accelerations better than other methods. Also, the proposed controller has been able to reduce the maximum absolute accelerations of the classes by ۴۰ to ۶۰%. In this research, the problem of controlling multi-degree of freedom structures equipped with MR dampers has been raised. The problem of semi-active control of a structure with several degrees of shear freedom has been investigated by solving a structure with six degrees of freedom. These numerical results are presented in the form of response history diagrams (displacement and velocity) and their absolute maximum values are also determined for each method.



Alireza Yazdani

Department of Civil Engineeruing, Damavand Branch, Islamic Azad university, Najaf Abad, Iran

Ali Mardani

Department of Civil Engineeruing, Damavand Branch, Islamic Azad university, Najaf Abad, Iran