Amour de l’autre et amour divin chez Rûmî, Humanist e et Poète Mystique

Publish Year: 1388
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 9 آذر 1400


  Passion for Others and Divine Love from Rumi’s Perspective   Micheline Bartolo   Ph.D in Mediteranian and Oriental Studies   University of Strasbourg    (Received: ۰۳.۰۵.۲۰۰۹, Accepted: ۰۵.۰۷.۲۰۰۹)    Abstract   To Molana Jalaleddin Rumi, the foremost poet of the seventh century, who is not only the blossom of the Persian literature but also a mysterious and a renowned gnostic of all time, passion is the essence of life. He, who is regarded as scared, conveys a strong message of passion to his readers by his definitive works and represents his worldwide- human thoughts as well. Reading his works produces significant effects on its readers. To his way of thinking, life means passion. Love, which is the most important reason of life, is the principal reason of life. One may sacrifice his/her life to love. Passion for others is many and varied either for the whole universe including all humankind and creatures in general or for the others or the divine love in particular. Given the fact that divine love is the most superior type of love, and when high value is placed on the human characteristics, expression of this love .i.e., falling in love with others, contributes to a better demonstration of God in all creatures because they are all God's creatures. That is why it is said when one is attracted to someone in fact s/he is in love with God. In his works, Rumi points out to a great natural capacity which is, in fact, the power of love and has been entrusted with human beings by God.     Key words: Molana Jalaleddin Rumi, Divine love, life, Persian literature  


Key words: Molana Jalaleddin Rumi , Divine love , Life , Persian literature


Micheline BARTOLO

Secrétaire de la C.U.E.R.I.A. (Centre Universitaire d’Études et de Recherches Ira niennes d’Alsace) Docteur en Etudes Méditerranéennes et Orientales (O ption : Etudes Persanes) Strasbourg (France) Juriste