Investigation of Fullerene effect on reactivity of Methyldopa with NMR parameters
Publish place: 15th Iranian Physical Chemistry Conference
Publish Year: 1391
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 196
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 11 دی 1400
Methy ldopa is useful in the treatment o f mild to moderately se vere hypertension. It l owers blood pressure chiefly by reducing periph eral vascul ar resistance, with a variable reduction in heart rate and cardiac output. Most cardiovascular re flexes rema in intact after administration of methyldopa, a nd blood pressure redu ction is not markedly dependent o n maintenan ce of uprigh t posture. One potentia l advantage of methyl dopa is that it causes reduction in renal vascul ar resistance.Fulle renes, the hollow carbo n cages discovered in ۱۹۸۵[۱], have fascinate d scientists. The most prominent r epresentativ e of the full erene class is C۶۰, which is the most abundant cluster in the solvent-extracted carb on soot and the smallest fulleren e that sati sfies the is olated pentag on rule. Since macroscopic samples of C۶۰ became available in ۱۹۹۰[۲], many applications have been suggested, particul arly in the b io-area.
Roya Ah madi
Az ad university Shahre -rey br anch, Tehran, Iran
Lale h Allahkara m
Az ad university Shahre -rey branch, Tehran, Iran
Marjan Firoozeh
Az ad university Shahre -rey br anch, Tehran, Iran